Devoted & Experienced Full-Service Attorney
Wills and Estates Attorney in Rockville, Maryland
Everyone living in Rockville, MD and beyond should have either a will or a trust that will designate the beneficiary of your estate at the time of your death. In addition, you should have a power of attorney and a health care directive naming someone who can handle your finances and make medical decisions for you if you become incapable of making those decisions for yourself. Your health care directive will also determine the degree of medical care that you want if your life is being sustained by artificial means, also known as a living will.
These documents are vital for anyone who is concerned about how their estate will be handled after their death, as well as how their personal finances will be handled if they should suffer any type of medical disability. Many clients ask why they need a power of attorney and a medical directive. The answer is that they need a plan to help their loved ones in the event of disability or death. Like an insurance policy, you may never need the power of attorney, and you may never need to have anyone make medical decisions on your behalf, but if you do, you will be very grateful that you have them. The alternative is to have a guardian appointed on your behalf, and that is something that can be avoided by having a power of attorney and a health care directive. If you're ready to draft a will, contact our estate attorney today.
A simple will is also vital so that when you die, your heirs will know exactly what you intended to do with your remains, who you want to handle your estate (i.e., your personal representative), and who you want to inherit your estate. Your will can also create a trust for your heirs, particularly if they are minors, and can determine how old they should be before they receive your estate. If you do not have a will, the law will determine these matters for you, and the result may not be what you intended.
A living trust is sometimes used instead of a will. It will involve much more planning than a will and requires close consultation with your estate attorney. In general, you may transfer your property to a trust while still retaining control over the trust during your lifetime. When you die, the trust will remain as a whole, but your ownership interest in the trust usually passes to your surviving spouse, who then controls the trust until death. At that time, management of the trust would pass to the persons designated in the trust, who would distribute it to the persons named as beneficiaries in the trust. You will need to transfer your assets into the trust, either by changing the name on your bank accounts, retirement accounts, etc., and you will also need to prepare deeds to transfer your real estate into the trust.
An estate is opened when you die, and your heirs need to probate your estate. If you have a will, the personal representative will usually work with your attorney to file the necessary documents, inventory your estate, obtain appraisals, file your final tax returns and ultimately dispose of your estate. At that point, accounting needs to be filed, and an audit is done by the register of wills. If you have been named as a personal representative, Gardner Law Firm, P.C can assist you with this process. David C. Gardner has worked with dozens of clients to demystify the process and to help them finalize an estate. If a loved one has died without a will, an estate must still be opened (i.e., an intestate estate) so that their assets can be distributed to their family by the laws of Maryland. Gardner Law Firm has handled many such estates and will be glad to assist you in that endeavor.
Helpful Guidance
If you need any of these documents or assistance with an estate, please contact Gardner Law Firm today. Having prepared thousands of such documents, Gardner Law Firm can offer fees that are very reasonable. You can usually get an appointment to start the process within 24 hours.