Are You Acting in Your Children’s Best Interests?

Something that you need to keep in mind during your divorce is that the court wants to see that you are doing what’s in your children’s best interests at all times. The last thing any judge wants to see is one parent who is unwilling to negotiate with the other and who is outright disrespectful to the other parent, because this isn’t the kind of example that should be set for children.

If one parent is doing something that reflects negatively on them and could negatively impact their children, then the court may address that in the final approved custody arrangements or through other means. That’s why any parent who wants to share or have full custody needs to do what is in their children’s best interests at all times while considering how their actions may reflect on them in court.

What Won’t Make a Parent Look Good to The Court?

A few things that may be upsetting to a judge would include:

  • Causing fights with the other parent in front of your children

  • Speaking negatively about the other parent to your children

  • Using your children as messengers

  • Not coming to drop-off or pick-up locations on time

  • Trying to prevent the other parent from seeing your children unfairly

  • Not paying child support

All of these kinds of issues will make a parent appear less qualified to care for their children and may make a judge reconsider if a shared custody or sole custody petition is right under the circumstances.

What Can You Do to Show that You’re Putting Your Children First in Your Divorce?

To show that you’re putting your children first and want to do what’s in their best interests, you should make an effort to negotiate and work with the other parent. You should consider getting to know your children better and making sure to pay support or pick them up on time if you have those responsibilities. Continue to do everything in your power to make this a smooth transition, so the judge can see that you’re a responsible, respectful person with your child’s best interests at heart.